Monday, January 12

Writing Assignment

According to the syllabus our papers should be 2 pages approx 700 words total. It does not specify the margins other than standard. Standard could be no more than 1 1/4 whereas two pages would be a little over 600 words. If the standard margin is 1 than the paper still would not equal to 700 words. So I guess the question would be what is the standard font size other than "12" Times Roman? It may appear I am analyzing this too much but Dr. Tabor does not want it to exceed 2 pages unless your points could not be made within two. However your paper should consist of 700 words. Can someone clarify this for me?

1 comment:

  1. about 1000 words
    now "upped" to 2.5 pages max
    use 11 point font
    double spaced
    margins of 1" all around
    Title and author on top of page 1.

    thx for making me specify.
