Sunday, January 11

Initiative vs. exceptance

Does change come from within? Do most of us wait for someone to influence change? Do we except change or do we run from it?


  1. I think change can either come from within or from the inmfluences in your life. Sometimes I change things in my life cuz i think in my mind its that time. But there's also been times where i change things about myself to accomadate others. Or because of sudden changes in your life.

  2. i think change begins within oneself. i have to consciously decide to change and acknowledge that there's something to change before i do it. change can be influenced or it can be independently taken on, it all depends on the individual.

  3. Change has to start within someone, first. However, though some might be aware of the need for change, many won't do anything about it. When you declare change, you are vulnerable to being joined in your fight for change or you are "othered". Many do not want to expose themselves to the latter; thus, resulting in not a lot of change.
