Monday, October 12

to the prof

I still have no idea what we suppose to write for the paper???????
Im going crazy!!!!! I have no idea how the conflict and the consensus have to go along???
The thruth is that I dont get the paper. Do we have to write on how conflict happens around family ???? or other groups I really need help!!!!!!!!


  1. tee hee. isn't that interesting. I have "power over you" and I have also given you a blog to **FUNCTION** so that you have power over me. There you have "confict" and "consensus" right here! I'll answer more a little later after I see if other people comment here. you can see both power-over and consensus right in this class with all its components. nice picture.

  2. "Don't fear difficult moments,the best comes from them." Rita Levi Montalcini

  3. hey hey - that quote is on the money! from conflict comes functioning.

  4. lol this blog thingy is entertaining, i think i kinda like blogging now....never knew what al the hype was all about....hmmm now i see!
