Friday, October 23


i didn't mean to take all the funaway from blogging, but, rather, to organize the posts a bit - so I put 2 main posts about paper#3 up top. Let's try to "thread" our conversations about a topic into "comments" & not just a bevvy of posts-with-no-comments. . . . Enjoy movies. I'll be asking U obvious Qs- easy if you watch - multiple choice - what did Ed Norton have tatooed on chest, what did little boy wear to the party, what was most important to the displaced persons. Looks like some are sparsely attended: SO BRING a FRIEND NOT IN THE CLASS! <-- SEE who's going, when. Some did not email me! If U signed up for 10AM be on time! Library Media room not open 'til 10AM. Take 3 notes down abt the movie - 3 things U find 'worth sharing' - & see U Wed.


  1. do we have to go watch the movie, or only if we want to

  2. Gosh, Nestor. The movies are all set up for you in the Library. The assignment, given orally and on line here, is to watch one movie from the list which YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED BEFORE.

  3. the other part of the assignment was to email me your choice of the movie you will watch.
