Monday, October 19

HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please, i need help...i am still very confused on this conflict and consensus, help, examples, anything please?


  1. well im not sure if this will help you but here is an example.
    Think about any kind of system, for instance the system of a friendship. Two people who are best friends give each other advice and are honest with each other....this is consensus because the friendship works this way...there could be conflict when one person is brutually honest and might hurt the others feelings, but this keeps the friendship going because they know they can trust each other and find honesty in each other. This is the way their friendship works. Well I hope this helps somewhat!!

  2. did you attend class?
    did you read this page
    did you read this post and comments?
    did you read this post and comments?
    do you understand the distinction between Marx and Durkheim?
    answer those questions in a comment, and then I'll comment more.

  3. 16 candles comments very good

  4. also - in addition to the new topics listed today of media, popular culture (besides family, church, school, work, etc.) you might think of a couple of movies and see them with your conflict glasses and with your consensus glasses. conflict and consensus - power over and power to get things done - will be found in each setting.
    YOU COULD ALSO go to the library tomorrow and check out the video on the 3rd floor called "He Said, She Said" find the confict and consensus in gender relationships.

  5. wow.. 16-Candles... cleared it out very well.. now i can revise my paper a bit.. thanks..

  6. yes 16 candles really cleared it for me...thankyou very much
