Monday, May 11

Observation Paper.

The first Salvadoran Student Conference was held this Saturday at UCLA. It was my first time participating in a conference; the first conference that explored Salvadoran issues, from past to present. From the women's role in the Cilvil war, music and art, current problems affecting Salvadoran students in El Salvador and the US. I was amazed how many Salvadoran students from different universities participated. The workshops were given by Salvadoran professors from El Salvador and the US. I must admitt that this was a great experienced because it made me realized the new generation of Salvadoran students are the hope for El Salvador. I want to write my observation based on this experience. Tabor, can you let me know if this is a good topic for my paper.


  1. I think one of the best comments of this blog is the fact that Salvadoran ptofessors led the discussions. All to often persons not fully aquainted with the intimate details or subject matter lead cultural/social conferences.
