Friday, May 22

Right to Vote

I am on a roll! We voted on 5/19/09; I was glad that people went out to vote, however I was somewhat disappointed that only 19% of Californian excercise their right. We had to send a clear messages to our beloved Governor that propositions were a joke.


  1. The propositions were not only a joke but a waste of money, as it is California is in bad shape economically.

  2. i feel ya on the dissapointment, how about alarming too? I mean, how can democracy work if only 19% of the population exercises their right to vote or we get excited when 63% of poeple turn out for a major presidential election? Seems like that's something we take for granted in this country along with all the perks that come with it like freedom etc. Its like what people always don't appreciate what you've got untill it's gone and maybe even then..if you're too distracted with your personal issues maybe you won't realize your rights are gradually being taken away until it's so real and tangible it can't be denied and all of a sudden you find yourself being held in prison indefinitely w/no court date in sight. That means 81% of us are comfortabley numb...or something
