Tuesday, May 26

A Sad Day for California

Although I am gay, I have never been an advocate for "Gay Rights". It definitely isn't because I don't believe that we deserve the same rights as any other human being--rather I simply don't have the time to dedicate to the cause. After today's Supreme Court ruling--I really wish I would have given some of my time to fight the biogtry and discrimination that still exists.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that everyone has a right to an opinion--but this is more than just an opinion--this is about human rights. I am much more than a tax-payer, student, parent, and homeowner--I am a human being and deserved to be treated as such.

Although I am disappointed in today's ruling--I hold on to the faith that someday ALL HUMANS WILL BE TREATED EQUALLY--and I truly believe that we will get to that day!


  1. I actaully just wrote a paper for another class on this issue. Oppression is everywhere and in this case gays are being oppressed. I am not gay and do believe that a man and woman should get married but who am I to say anything. We are all human beings and we all deserve to choose to live our own life however we want and not by someone else telling us how to live our lives. I give courage to gays to keep fighting for what they believe in and hope that they succeed. Good luck, and let your voices be heard, you should definitely try for next time.

  2. I wouldn't be so sure about that day coming. I believe there will always be some type of oppression and inequality. However, there is a lot we can do to make a difference. Of course gays should have the same rights as anyone else. Why shouldn't they? Their lifestyle doesn't affect us in any way, shape or form and I don't see why anyone would be against it. Is it fair? Of course not! But that is how society is and like it or not, even though things can change, we will always have imperfections.

  3. I believe that marriage should stay between a man & woman,that's the way its been since day one. Why should we rewrite the laws. You are able to get marry, of course it's not recognize by law. You have choosen a life style which I can accept. However you shouldn't impose your life style on others. I don't believe it's a human rights issues.

  4. I agree with you red/rose that a marriage should stay between a man and a woman every since day one. But in real life, sometimes when a person fall in love with a man or woman, lesbians, gays, we really cannot control it. We cannot control who we fall in love with. I don't think we can blame on ourselves because we are just a human being and love is very natural in the real world.

  5. red/rose-
    the argument that marriage should stay between a man and a woman since it's been that way since day one is flawed. If we applied that across the board we should have kept slavery(since it was that way since day one)
    Also, if you believe that people shouldn't impose their lifestyles on other people then wouldn't that go both ways?? So then we could say heterosexuals shouldn't impose their lifestyles on homosexuals? I'm not really sure how allowing marriage for everyone is imposing "their lifestyles on others" anyhow. If joe schmoe is able to marry steve how would that effect your life personally? How would that be an imposition?
    There is supposed to be a seperation of church and state in this country. even though the concept of marriage is something that comes from religion-it has become soemthing state sanctioned now. using the definition in religion and applying it to law would contradict that seperation clause. Maybe "marriage" shouldnt have ever become something sanctioned by the state. maybe everyone should just have civil unions (heterosexuals and homosexuals alike). then people could go to the religious institutions of their choosing for their "marriages" This way it would be equal. People deserve the same rights across the board no matter who they love.

  6. Unfortunately there are still people that feel that gays and lesbians are forcing their lifestyles upon the heterosexuals of the world.

    It's a shame that fear is still the leading factor in determing what's right and wrong--just and unjust.

    Apparently Red/Rose feels that us gay people will be forcing ourselves on people like you---believe me when i say--yeah right!

    I guess equality is meaningless--hugh?

  7. I enjoy the optimism of the original post. We all can only hope that everyone will be treated equally someday-Ill be the pessimist in saying we may never see the day, unless more people take stands for what they believe in.Now a days people just seem to follow the leader and don't have their own beliefs and perspectives. Being a "martyr" (of morale beliefs) is so last century.

  8. OMGGGGGGG! I'm sitting here CRYING after reading RED/ROSE'S comment. Catharsis! I'm really offended and upset by such a comment. I'm actually stoked to see such a comment of this nature here. Prof. Tabor encourages us to express ourselves and to utilize this blog. So without restraint I feel it appropriate and necessary to defend this issue that I am so passionate about. I am a strong advocate for gay rights and it is a human rights issue. Thanks to views similar to that of RED/ROSE we have these equality and civil right issues, discrimination, and bigotry. Everyone is entitled to love who they want. They should be allowed to marry who they love. Hmmm... but by the traditional perspective and logic that RED/ROSE has stated, I can't marry my boyfriend because he's Mexican and I'm Asian. Interracial marriage was outlawed back in the day especially for Blacks and Hispanics. If it were up to traditional mindset and practice, our families and society would not allow us to be together. I am glad that both of our families have seen past our cultural differences. We are in the year 2009! I feel like society backtracks to the days where slavery was okay, racism and police brutality was okay, and interracial marriage was off limits. It's a new day and age and it's time for change and acceptance. For the sake of being a human being, we are all people! No matter what background or lifestyle everyone is entitled to live their life they way that makes they happy and fulfilled as long as they do not harm others. Many of the biased and homophobic people that I know have religious views that contribute to their prejudice against gays. I don't care if the Bible SUPPOSEDLY says that marriage is between a man and a woman. I'm Catholic and I think that it's bogus for our all powerful and loving GOD or JESUS to discriminate or deny their beautiful creations whether gay or straight. GOD is love and loves all of us regardless of our color, religion, or sexuality. Why else would we have been created us with unique traits and qualities? This creates variation in our species and even Darwin can vouch for that. Diversity is a very good thing! I love, read, and respect the BIBLE and I follow its teachings of accepting and growing with every unique aspect of life or human being that I encounter. Anyways, I am so hurt by RED/ROSE'S comment. I understand that people can believe whatever they want to, but this is absurd and disturbing. Thanks to prejudice the gay movement has another obstacle to face. I was raised by my lesbian grandmothers! I turned out fine! I don't have any psychological issues! I was never abused! I have strong ethical values! I'm straight! Gay marriage is productive, safe, functional, and a positive force in society! I am proof of this! I have a boyfriend who supports me and my grandmother's lifestyles! I can't believe someone would deny or find 35 YEARS of love and union between my grandmothers being married (married by by a Catholic Priest in a gorgeous backyard wedding) that they are imposing their lifestyles?!!!!! My grandmothers deserve every privilege that any straight couple is entitled too. We are all people! I'm sorry everyone but I'm really really really pissed off by prejudice and discrimination! Maybe I took this blog too personal but I sit here crying my eyes out because people like this have tried to deny and attack my grandmothers just because they are lesbians. I hope and pray that people will learn to grow beyond themselves and learn to accept others based on their character and not their status, race, religion, or sexuality. We are human beings first and foremost no matter how we identify ourselves. Wow what a vent lol. Got a little crazy haha. Anyways, God Bless.

  9. i only had one thought after reading this post and the comments, and that is, i thought of all the states California would have been one of if not the first to make gay marriage legal. What happened?
