Sunday, February 28

Playing for Change response

In "Playing for Change," Mark Johnson (the filmmaker) is trying to impart the power music has as a universally unifying and restorative force. His use of musicians from multiple countries playing the same songs and expressing the same fundamentally human sentiments (the desire for love, companionship and an accepting support system) brings this point home. The overlying message I gathered from this clip is that, while we are different, we are still one - we live in the same world and share the same experiences and desires. Sociology echoes these sentiments. One of its goals is to demonstrate that, although we are divided by space, culture and time, we are still one cohesive whole. Certain universal truths are inherent in the human experience, independent of country of origin, social status or individual variation. Did anyone else get a different impression from the clip? (originally posted 2/23)


  1. other day writing people: Meghan saw the assignment for furlough day. you too can see it if you click on

  2. Very well said Megan. I completely agree and could not have said it better.

  3. I completely agree with Megan and I wanted to share my story that somewhat relates to Megan's response. This weekend my family and I took a road trip to Salt Lake City Utah. On the way back we stopped right before the Arizona and Utah Border and after leaving the restroom and returning to my family's car I realized an older white man talking to my parents and my son. When I came closer my mom expressed to me that the mans children had never seen black people before and he asked my father if he was black. My dad said he recognized the man had a few beers and was clearly drunk but very serious. My dad being the comedian he is responded that we are jipajanesians(something he made up). His response was to make comical remarks at this mans ignorance because my father grew up when segregation was at an all time high so he knew how to treat such ignorance. The man then said his children had never seen black people before and they were scared. His kids were about 6 and 8 the boy 6 the girl 8. The man was something like a hillbilly (who am I kidding he was clearly a hillbilly but very very intriguing) he was curious but his curiosity was somewhat insulting. However, my father told me Ashley this is life don't be insulted by someone else's ignorance they don't know any better just be glad you weren't raised that way. The young boy then asked if my son was a trouble maker and as quick as he said it my son began to talk and try and play with the little boy and the little boy was filled with joy. The little girl however was terrified and wouldn't even step foot out of the car. At the end of the short stop the father told my dad he wanted to teach his kids better than they were taught and that black people shouldn't scare them. This tied into Megan's response because in Playing for Change we are all as one even though we may appear different in culture. And I think its very important for people to understand.

  4. I really enjoyed the short film clip. It was nice to take the time to stop what I was doing and watch the video. It is nice to end the day with such a warm and heartfelt message. The video brought calmness to my life and peace to my heart. Watching the same song being performed all over the world gave me goose bumps. It just made everything that I had learned in other Sociology classes make sense and come together. The bottom line is that we need others in order to function in society. We could not survive if we did not have human interaction.

    p.s. Megan your comment was perfect. Well done!!!

  5. I think what Mark Johnson is doing is a remarkable thing. It is very touching and inspiring. The short clips of the film were beautiful. Music in Mark's eyes unites people. Though much suffering is going on all over the world, it is important for us not to forget the good in our lives. It is just as important for us to unite and find a common ground when everything seems to be breaking us apart. We are afterall one race:the human race.

  6. I don't think it could have been said much better than Megan's response.

    I wanted to add that a lot of times we tend to feel isolated, either within our own lives, communities, or cultures. So where Mark Johnson's work not only shows how we universally connect, it also reminds us that we do. Thinking within our own box is essential at times, but harmful and (in my opinion) the source of a lot of the world's problems.

  7. music is an universal language. It is a way to communicate with each other and express their feelings since ancient Greek.

  8. I agree with your posting and I think more people should aim towards uniting the world because in the end, we are all the same race, "the human race". Right choice of words :)

  9. WOW! Just great. I can only add this which states: "Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the universe. But maybe, by raising my voice I can help the greatest of all causes -- goodwill among men and peace on earth."

    Albert Einstein
    1879-1955, German-born American

  10. Just something funny

    Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.

    Charlie Brown

  11. The world vowed "never again" after the genocide in Rwanda yet people have been killed. The First Genocide of the 21st Century.

  12. Megan, your insight weaves it all together very well. What stood out for me, aside from what everyone else has already mentioned, is that it took ten years to put this film together. How many of us can say we have persevered and overcome countless obstacles to accomplish one goal?

    The majority of us simply give up on our dreams after our fist speedbump. Life presents us more hurdles than it does opportunities. It is great to see Mark Johnson was able to bring the souls of many spread out throughout the world together to inspire and motivate us all. This project reveals solidarity in this day in age is still quite attainable among such a diverse collection of cultures.

  13. Megan you nailed it....I believe that we need one another to survive we can not do it alone. This short video clip makes me realize that we should never give up on our goals and dreams no matter how long it takes to accomplish it.

  14. I agree we all, as a human race, share similar experiences and desires. Music can be one of those tools to bring people together.The music and song have to be the right choices though. If I were to play a heavy metal song about peace and hope I don't I would get the same response as the "Stand By Me" song. It is great Mark Johnson is doing this work and committing to building music schools all around the world. Children need places where they can explore there creativity.

  15. it is great to see someone dedicate ten years of their life to make a documentary about people from all aspects of life coming together for their love of music. music does not have a language nor any boundaries. music is all people to enjoy and be inspired by.

  16. I agree! Music is a very powerful that brings many people together! It was a great documentry to watch!

  17. I liked this clip. I also love listening to music most of my friends are random people I bump into on campus listening to the same music or just talking about the same artist. I do believe that music can bring everyone together (one day) but not anytime soon.

  18. I couldn't have stated it better than Megan. It was nice to see so many people of different places have that one thing in common. In a world where we all have different beliefs, to find a common ground may be a challenge. Mark Johnson's decade long journey to create this did just that, it found the common ground that spoke to all people, music.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. definetly,music does bring people together. The intent behind the creation..and sharing of what unites. When a song speaks to that intangible human experience and human emotion, all the lines of separation are erased ...we come to see what is. Projects like this one feed my ocean of assures me that there is always hope..and that humans are fully capable of creating a better world.. of bringing joy and suffering into balance...with a beautiful song like stand by me. we cannot change the inevitable pain that comes with existence..but we can keep it from becoming suffering.
