Thursday, February 11

Things to Count

((You can use some of these for your Paper # 4, too))

  1. children tend to play with same sex (when both available)
  2. do girls face each other and boys face out when talking / playing
  3. do girls talk more about friends and share secrets more
  4. are men more "disengaged"?
  5. do boys tend to "top" each other and girls tend to "share sameness" and share secrets
  6. do boys play in larger groups than girls play in
  7. do boys define best friends by loyalty
  8. who (is perceived as) giving orders more? who (tends to or is perceived to) follow orders more?
  9. do mothers "understand" girls (way of speaking \) more than boys? do fathers "understand" sons better than their daughts?
  10. do women walk away from certain conversations with a different message from what men walk away from (conversations over Valentine's Day dinner?)
  11. asking directions: do men and women differ?
  12. metamessages (Gregory Bateson) - does one sex/gender "read these" more than the other sex/gender?
  13. when people do "troubles talk" does "the other" tend to offer a fix?
  14. do "higer ranked" individuals make indirect comments regardless of sex - where rank is clear (as in the military)
  15. NEW ERA: Do women who are more self-sufficient and not looking for a man to guide and protect them need affirmation less? ie., care they more like (traditional) men?
  16. NEW ERA: do stay-at-home dads behave more like (traditional) women?
  17. Who talks more, men or women? in what context? public speaking vs. private speaking
  18. CURRENT: Who talks more in political discussions, discussions about politics and current events.
  19. FIGHTS: Is it true that girls fight when they are really mad and boys fight for fun?
  20. teasing: is this "style" reserved for boys? what happens when girls tease - or don't they?
  21. when there is a fight - say a first fight - does the woman think "it's over" more than the man thinks that?
  22. Nagging: who nags more? men or women
  23. Does one person have to be the boss in a relationship? Who believes th is more - men or women? - your parent's generation or your generation?
  24. does one sex generalize about the other more? which one? what implications?
  25. do we see these conversational styles among well-known politicians of the two genders?
  26. does one sex more than the other say "Aha, I see, ok" more when you explain one of these paradoxes of conversational style?

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