Thursday, March 10

Final: Due Mar 10 in class

One paper that will lift off from all 6 papers - combine key elements into one work.   Do not write it as if in answer to an assignment, i.e., "... in my second paper I ..."  Write it as if you are composing it in order to express your view of behavior, your own and that of others, as your view does or does not coincide with academic theories.
  • 1 title page (single spaced, same font as paper, centered:
    Title, then Name (not CIN), then Date, then Tabor Soc 301,
  • Next page (unnumbered):  1 double-spaced "Abstract" - at least 3 sentences.  use Rule 13: one sentence/paragraph.  Abstract is not indented and is left-justified.
  • 4 pages of text maximum.  Do not "pad" - if you can complete the task in 3 pages, stop.
  • page 5 is References - if need be, text can "spill over" onto top of page 5.  Then References are at bottom
  • at least 3 references, proper ASA format; take care with web references (you need a "source").
    Link to guide on this blog, top right.
  • Triple check that first sentence:  make it sing
  • Proofread all
  • Follow all the grammar rules - unless you are very clearly breaking them, with purpose
  • Use Rule 17 - or I will.
  • Use Rule 19:  I see conflict, I see consensus, and I see that people symbolically interact.
  • Use Rule 22 at the end of your paper.  End with a bang.
  • scale
    .5 snappy title
    .5 use of title in opening and closing
    .6 grammar
    .6 clarity of argument - does the paper progress abd hold together, without redundancies
    .6 "punch" - does the paper illuminate the world other than the obvious
    .6 does the paper follow the assignment
    .5 does the paper follow ASA format in design and citation style
    ___ = 3.9 points


  1. Testing .. and.. wanted to say..

    Thanks for giving us input for our papers and clearly explaining what we need to do! Love the rubric!!

  2. Yeah thank you T for making the assigment more claer for us.

  3. i hope everyone does well on this final paper!

  4. Message to everyone: Write from your heart. Write what you believe. Do not see it as an assignment.

  5. Thanks for making it clear. It makes writing the paper a lot easier.

  6. I had a question about the abstract. Does there need to be a title or can we just use the word "Abstract"? Is it centered? Lastly, do we not indent?

  7. Oops nevermind... Next time I should read thoroughly. Thanks MT.
