Sunday, July 5

Feeling Blue

I was reading Pacmans Blog and I'm glad he or she had a great time this weekend. However it made me realize how blue I am feeling. This weekend was great to soak up the sun and go to the beach and have a cocktail or two. However I couldn't. I was put on meds this weekend by my physician where I could not really have alcohol. It did not ruin my weekend I still had a BBQ at my place and had people over but I couldn't mingle with them. I was the only one not having a drink. There were many people on my block like Pacman & his buddies, many were drinking and just having a great time. I am feeling blue right now and wish I could have been myself this weekend, not only by drinking , but by riding my beach cruiser to the beach and soaking up the sun. I was told by my physican to stay away from activity. Just feeling blue & felt like blogging about it.


  1. you dont really have to drink to have fun but it helps. when it comes to social gathering having a good conversation with someone really helps if ur feeling sad dont be scared to make a connection with someone on a positive vibe...if that dosent help just put on some bob marley that usually works for me

  2. Hey i don't need to drink alcohol in order to be part of the party! It sucks that you were unable to do any physical acitivites, but you had a choice; to make the best of it or feeling blue.

  3. Ever since I finally got my car I suddenly became the Designated Driver!!! At first i thought it sucked because everyone was having fun drinking but now i realize that I dont rally have to drink to have fun. Now I have fun watching my friends act like fools lol. But what makes me feel even better is that as the D.D. I dont worry about them drinking and driving.
    WNABDDS I hope you are feeling better by now!
