Thursday, March 5


How can one really be true to Itself , when economically we are crippled. Next quarter I am affected, going part time to school. Not being able to give it all I have saddens my heart. The economy will get better- I have hope. If you give up on hope, personally, I think you give up on life. Life is full of changes and that is a blessing. For now, I must acknowledge and be grateful for what I do have. We are blessed.


  1. The condition of the economy is not to be taken lightly. I currently am not affected because I am a saver and I have a nice cushion to fall back on. However, it does not mean I am untouchable. Therefore, I act as if I don't have the finances to indulge in a lot of extra activities outside of my necessities in hope of beating the recession that we seem to be in. I must find the positive to remain optimistic. I too am very hopeful that our nation will bounce back sooner than later. All we have to do is hang in there and put one foot in front of the other.

  2. this is a big problem for students. I beleive being optimistic and setting positive reachable goals is the only way to achieve your goals in education

  3. Thank God Bush is gone and Obama is here. I have so much faith that he will help America through this mess that Bush left behind. The truth is coming out about these major corporations who embezzled money, used bailout money for CEO bonus checks, etc. It's about time. Yes I'm struggling with school fees, gas, car repairs, and longer work hours but I'm grateful more than ever for my family and friends. In the end that's all that really counts no matter how life turns out.

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