Wednesday, March 18

Arete - the best at being you

Democracy is a mix of individual freedom and shared common good. This site linked here defines arete. . .Happiness comes from discovery of who you are. Here's a closely related definition of Self-Efficacy.

Welcome Spring bloggers
Winter bloggers you are welcome. If you are not on the list, email me and I will re-invite.


  1. I really enjoyed this class. Thank you MT, blogging and this class combined helped me realize who I really am. Thanks again, it was a pleasure having you as a my professor.

  2. I would love to continue blogging. I am looking forward to interacting with your next class. There is nothing like a good blog to stimulate my mind. This is my last quarter, therefore my continued participation will keep me on my toes in a sociological sense.

  3. Good! Welcome! Blogging begins today!

  4. This is my first sociology class, and the class seems to be very interesting. I am also looking forward in participating here and in class!
