The Los Angeles Times had an article on Israel and their use of white phosphorus. White phosphorus is a munition chemical agent, when ignited can spew noxious smoke that smells like garlic. This munition was manufactured in the United States, and sold to Israel. Israel used this chemical agent against the people in Gaza. Investigators from the United States have found evidence of chemical warfare against Israel. Once launched, this chemical agent has been found buried in the dirt and other areas in Gaza. Once it is discovered and attempts are made to unearth the phosphorus it ignites and explodes, causing further harm and damages. Was this type of warfare necessary? Should Israel be brought up on charges of chemical warfare? What part should the United States play in providing the weapons to Israel?
Additionally, Gaza has a new enemy against their smuggling. For the first time Egypt has cracked down on tunnel owners. These tunnels worm their way from Egypt into the Gaza Strip, slipping in supplies and some say, weapons.