Wednesday, August 19

Rescue Vid


  1. LRA is claim to be inspired by holly spirits, and Joseph Kony is believed to have been possessed by spirits.
    His army shows a great danger of misinterpretation of religious belief.

    How brave they were to go to Africa, and made this movie.

  2. wow i cant believe this is going on, on the other side of the world...=( it is so painful watching

  3. i think it's cool that a couple of men are making a difference in another country

  4. Sucks to say, but I feel like i live in a bubble...i grew up a sheltered child. These Children are being forced to fight for something they do not want to be a part of. I immediately thought of the things i was doing when i was 10, and this meant playing, sleeping, going to school, and not having to fear of being recruited...of constantly living with fear. I just learned that about "1 billion children are affected by war and armed sixth of the world's population" I found a great publication, and it's available on pdf.

  5. absolutely fascinating story on both ends. Even the existence of Joseph Cony is hard to conceptualize. One man creating a cult-like organization using religion and fear. When you look at it, it shows the amazing yet frightening power that one man can have. And here it is offset by three young men who have even more power to take action against Joseph Cony from halfway across the world. We are capable of so much, why do most of us do so little?

  6. good question, gaffer. I think we have to realize that every good deed we do to ourselves, to bring peace inside, and then to others, to foster love "counts" to building up the kind of world in which we all want to live.
