Wednesday, August 19

Earth Quake

Did anyone feel the earthquake yesterday? I did ...


  1. looks like there were three yesterday. I didn't feel it - where were you? I KNEW there would be a quake due to the fog. there might be another.

  2. i did not feel a thing? at what time did they occur?

  3. Hmmm, interesting. I don't even recall hearing anything about it on the local news. I really hope all these small earth quakes we've been having latetely will help dissipate the "big one" that is soon anticipated.

  4. it was on August 18th like around 4 p.m. ...i was in Pasadena at the time. I know urban peasant you are right, hopefully it does!

  5. i know i'm scared! a lot of fog lately...a lot of birds screaming and flying around lately....all these small earthquakes....:'(
