Saturday, August 29

New to the country.

So today I met a cousin that just immigrated here from the Philippines. He's 19. First thing I noticed when introducing myself is that he had a scared look on his face, but then I put myself in his position. Here he is meeting family he never knew existed, and is in a country where he can barely communicate with others. Funny that we both speak different dialects of our native language, but cannot understand each other when we use them, but instead have to resort to using broken english. I feel like I want to take him out and have fun, but my idea of fun just might be strange to him, and might be considered deviant behavior.


  1. pack a lunch. buy or print out a map. tell him Sunset Blvd. is the longest street in the world (21 miles). drive him from the east side to the ocean. At the ocean, turn left. Drive to the 10. Return. That will give him the "lay of the land." Tell him next time you'll stop at Venice Beach and Alvaro Street downtown = ). Tell him: welcome!

  2. i encountered the same problem a couple years cousin came from spanish is no good...his spanish was different from what i know....give the cousin a couple of weeks to adjust..i think whatever the deviant act might be, he will learn our American behaviors...

  3. MT's idea is great! I am sure your cousin feels lonely and lost, specially if he came alone without any of his immediate family. I think you should ask your parents on the reason why he came to the U.S., maybe that will help you understand his situation a little better. Then you can invite him on a tour around L.A. Hollywood is famous and heard of all over the world. Ask him about his life back home, share interests, etc. Don't be scared or shy of rejection, I think it takes time to adjust and trust. But reaching out to him shows a lot. =) good luck!

  4. Also, music can be a common interest or make him feel a bit more at home. Electronic/ Trance music is pretty universal....hope that helps.
