Wednesday, November 2


Last night the movie was great, it reminded me of myself growing up. I had many influences in my life; my uncle, my dad, and my older sisters. I listen to punk rock, down with the government and so forth. But really got to me was at the end of the movie when she left and never saw her grandmother again, but never forgot why her grandmother always smelled like flowers. It is something that people always remember their love ones, I remember the times when my sister Cristina would always tickle my feet when I was young. Unfortunately she is no longer with us, she passed away 21 Feb 2000. She was twenty years old just got married on a Saturday got into a car accident on Monday and died on impact from what they told my family. But her love still lives on through me and my other sisters. I now tickle my sons feet like she did and it reminds me of the old days when she use to do it to me.


  1. This brought warm feelings to my heart. Thanks for sharing such a personal aspect of your life.

  2. My heart goes to you for sharing something so intimate like this. This can be a good wake up call for a lot of people. Thanks
