Monday, November 7

The ones that make the rest look bad.

There are always songs that are made for or about women. You will not go one day of your life without hearing a song dedicated to a woman, women, or the skills some have. There is no denying that the hip hop genre is often written about women. There are times when I hear a song about "bad" women or "dirty" women. I had never came across this type of woman and always thought that either women are really sneaky or they really don't exist. That is until this past Saturday. I came across my first "dirty" woman. She was beautiful, more beautiful than me I would say. The type of woman that could have any man she desires. Her problem, though, was that she wasn't sure of what she wanted. I counted the amount of men she was hanging out with. To clarify, by hanging out I mean genitals to genitals touching. You're going to have to excuse the picture I just painted, I just want to get the visual across. I could not believe it, 5 different men in a matter of two hours. What was even more shocking was the fact that they were all friends. I thought I've surely heard of a song about a woman like this. It saddened me that such a beautiful woman could let so many men enjoy her beauty. I saw my first woman that makes the rest look bad and a piece of me died. How could something so beautiful not have any value?

1 comment:

  1. sheesh. poor girl.
    but trust that both men and women know the difference between that creature and others among us.
