Wednesday, June 2

Someone wrote BLUE - I answered RED

I was a little unsure about the revised final paper. Are we supposed to include the original paper in the new one?  Yes, as discussed. So do I take my first paper make corrections and add to that paper?  Yes. You make all the obvious ("little") corrections that I indicated already, and you add what you add - maybe new sentences, new paragraphs, new citations - and maybe a re-arrangement or a re-organization.   I know we are supposed to attach the original copy, but I wasn't sure what you mean about highlighting the new one. I hope this paragraph gives you the idea.  If you have completely re-arranged paragraphs to create a solid structure, you may yellow-highlight all the way down the side with a vertical line rather than highlighting every line.
I was a little unsure about the revised final paper. I wanted to know if we are suppose to include the original paper in the new one. So do I take my first paper make corrections and add to that paper? I know we are suppose to attach the original copy and I wasn't sure what you meant about highlighting the new one. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ah shoot. I didn't know I was to highlight ALL of the new additions to the paper. I only highlighted the title on the new paper. I guess looking back, it was a stupid thing to would obviously know which is new and which is old. Sorry!
