Monday, November 23

Playing for Change

So, I have just finished watching "Playing For Change" and I must say... the concept of the video was incredibly put. The funny thing about it is that my dad previously bought the song and music video through the internet about a month ago, so I had the firsthand opportunity to see and hear the entire track :-P

Sociologically, I find it interesting that individuals from all walks of life share the same love for music... it goes to show that no matter how conflicting our lives get, we somehow find ways to see the positive side of our situation. All too often, we immerse ourselves with our problems and forget to look at the bright side of life. Hence it's especially important that we take the time to thank our blessings each day... :-)


  1. I totally agree!!! Sociologically how all though there are sooooo many divisions in our world abroad and personally music is one thing that people can relate and persevere through the tough times!

  2. Mark Johnson's journey of music is FANTASTIC!!!!! Music is peace to the soul no matter what part of the world you are in. I really enjoyed the few minutes on how sociologically everyone united in the spirit of music

  3. Mark Johnson's journey of music is FANTASIC!!!!! I really enjoyed this video because it has been said that "Music brings peace to the soul" indeed it's true. Sociologically every one was in one accord with interacting with this producer and the ones who surrounded them to enjoy their tunes.

  4. I actually saw the segment on PBS about a couple months ago. My boyfriend and I actually wanted to attend the concert they were having at the Grove a while back. Being really into music myself. It was no wonder that while I surfed the channels that this PBS segment caught my attention. I really loved how music brought everyone together. Music really saves the soul. Sociologically, Playing for change shows how whatever conflict people may have, music is certainly the consensus in making it better. Music can connect us all regardless of any other beliefs we may have.

  5. It is definitely true, that music brings us together and makes us forget about our everyday struggles. I have never realized, until now, how music can unite us despite ones believes and views of life. Through music we have peace in our hearts and minds.
    Sociologically, music, one way or the other, brings us together no matter how far or close we are. Contrary to all the hardships we face in life we are all united through music and how we react to music is a behavior that comes naturally and one that is hard to divide.

  6. First of all I have to say that the little that I watched was enough to make me want to watch the entire documentary. It was INCREDIBLE to watch the different faces and emotions coming from all the different people playing in their own style to the perfect song. I'm not sure if it was the song but I, myself got the CHILLS as I saw them play. In some way, it made me feel connected. Sociologically, Playing for Change, basically tells it like it is. Not matter what everyone goes through in life and where they live in the world; music can always bring them at peace. For a few minutes, music, makes us remember what is it that will live for in life and without even knowing we all help each other out...

  7. It is just amazing that something so simple can bring such diverse people together. Music is everywhere and is a relief for most people myself included.
