Wednesday, May 5

Assignment due Friday

I missed class Thursday. I know about the film that we need to watch and the paper due tomorrow, however I do not know about assignment due Friday. Can someone pls explain. Thanks


  1. You will be emailing her your preparation for your Quntitative paper.

    Include your 2 variables.

    If your doing an observation, e-mail her what your observing and a spread sheet that will help your observation.

    If your doing a live survey, let her know what you will be asking.

    If its written, e mail her your hand out.

    If its online, send her the URL.

    Make sure you add on the subject line : WRI Night 7 (CIN No).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. by spread sheet what do you mean? like a diagram of what our observation will be mainly focused on?

  4. So its either an observation where we visit a site and observe and mark our data down in the form of a spread sheet or compose a survey and e-mail MT the format in which we are using? Do I have it right?

  5. Ok so this info is due tomorrow by email? so therefore this is the next paper due next thurs?

  6. night writers: the film paper is due today.
    the quantitative ideas along with the data-gathering instrument is due tomorrow.
