Thursday, April 29

The Long Way Home paper ideas

  • If anyone wants to watch a related movie or two, here are two good ones: "Paradise Now" - a fictional account of how two young Palestinian men decide to become suicide bombers. "Death in Gaza" a documentary by a British filmmaker of kids raised in Palestine today.
  • A visit to the local "Museum of Tolerance" will add to your personal experience - and could be used for your observation paper
  • Your private reactions to the movie and how this intense vision in "The Long Way Home" relates to what your friends and teachers have or have not communicated to you about this situation
    Ask 5-6 people what they know about this 'situation.'
  • The political scene today - how the events depicted in this movie folds into it.
  • any library research you might quickly do on people's attitudes about Jews and/or the Middle East today
  • The human being and human groups - and what you learned about it through this movie. What have you learned about our "human family?"
  • Immigration - contrast to today. (careful here of advocacy)
  • These are just a few ideas to focus your thoughts and reactions to the movie and how you might write about it.
  • See the post below for the switch in Paper #3 and Paper #4: changed the order so #4 is first, followed by #3


  1. MT: I was wondering if I could write the film paper in regards to immigration? The film mentions illegal immigration many times and I want to tie that concept to current immigration issues.

  2. can someone please explain in detail what exactly should be in the film paper? i watched the movie on my own and im very confused about what exactly is included in those 2 pages? just a review?

  3. Professor Tabor posted examples you can use for the 2 page film paper. For instance, I am writing about my own reaction to the film. Hope this helps :)

  4. yes El Micah - immigration contrasts could be interesting. be careful, since it is a "hot" topic. do not assume either "side" is ipso factor correct. clearly define your terms. but go ahead with the topic.
