Sunday, February 27

Creation vs. Evolution

What if God created the world through evolution?


  1. ha! you've come to the end of the road! Science cannot answer who or why - only how and what. So if you need to put a "who" to it, it is your choice: you can say God; you can say nature.

  2. Its like the quote I've heard "Thank God for evolutioin".. hmmm You'll never know

  3. Today is March 4th 2011 by the end of this of year science will have unraveled many of our unanswered questions about life. But still science has its limitations and cannot answer such questions as; Which came first the chicken or the egg? Evolution would have you believe that a mutation must have taken place at conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first chicken egg. This argument seems relatively easier to swallow than the egg magically appearing from nowhere.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like what you guys have to offer. This will always remain a debate; people are never going to agree and each person will insist that her perspective is correct. We will never have complete answers to these kinds of things. I say, "Who cares? Live life! We are here and that's it."

  6. I love that you say "live life! we are here and that its it" because i believe life is too short without any guarantees. Live YER Lif3 as a decent person and you should be alright.
