Saturday, January 15

Paper Questions

Does anyone else feel like either these questions are too easy or there is a deeper motive behind them?


  1. I don't think they're necessarily "easy" depending on the way you approach it. Since the questions are so broad, you could probably ramble on forever (morning pages), or you could choose your words wisely and write the required 3 paragraphs in less than one page (less is more). Keep in mind, that you follow the rules. The final paper is cumulative, so yes, there is a deeper motive.

  2. I agree with Vincent. I found myself writing a one page paper, but really liked what I found out about myself. Thanks for the assignment MT.

  3. i think there is a deeper motive behind all of this. has anyone attempted to ask MT about it?

    also, this assignment is supposed to be 1 page double spaced? i thought it was supposed to be two pages double spaced. can anyone clarify this?

  4. It says two page max but doesnt say it must be two pages. I know she mentioned it could be 3, 5 or more paragraphs.
