Saturday, June 6

Blogs in the classroom

As students in the high-tech age, we should be exetremely thankful for the constant improvements in internet technologies. Not only may we access to lots of information to satisfiy our intellectual curiosity or the quest for knowledge, but also we are benefited by the great enhancement in the learning and extracurricular interaction among our fellow students via the blogging acitivities.

For instance, red/rose was lost as to the thesis of the final paper in our 301 writing class and asked for help by posting a blog at 1:44 on 6-4-09. Seven minutes later at 1:51, spirit offered the answer. How amazingly prompt and efficient !

Classroom blog is more than online journal or diaries, it is a great facilitator in bridging the gap between outside learning and in-class discussion.


  1. So true, when I missed class or was lost about homework assignments all I had to do was go onto the blog section and see what people had posted about the assignments or class. Blogging has been a great facilitator.

  2. I definitely agree with hvalvlyday, even though i don't usually feel comfortable blogging, i feel very comfortable knowing that i could read others posts in order to catch up in class : )

  3. This has been a new experience for me to get a chance to read other view points. Interesting information...I would like to thank all of you for posting your thoughts. It has been a great experience.
