6p: title/abstract page, 2 pages of substance, references page, worksheet from Monday, 2 search terms paper
structure: Beginning, middle, end. OK: U must include in the 2 pages of substance:
4 citations, one of which is a website and to fulfill the following requirements:
.... 2 varieties of "in line" citations (Christina will tell you the two versions)
.... 1 of your citations to be an article with 3 or more authors (U may have to go retrieve another article)
.... **extra** - cite an article w the same 3 authors more than once, do the 2nd cite as U learned (or 2 cites of an article with 3,4,5 authors, also ok).
.... 1 of your cites will be a "block quote" (Christina will show you)
.... all citations are in reference; all references are cited
The objective of this paper is to make all references accurately & to fulfill above. It is NOT to plumb the depths of the substantive topics (your 2 search terms)
Still, it is a paper, so it needs a beginning, middle, and end. I'll write you a sample as soon as I can, but there is already a sample student paper posted on line.
and one of you posted these GREAT NOTES on how to do research.
Someone left a post that read: I didnt go to the library yesterday (Wed)..... When is paper #3 due????????? And did I miss anything important that would help me with my paper?????? THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am making it a comment instead and placing it here.
FOLKS: You have got to read what is available on line before you ask fellow students to lay it all out for you if you missed class. Read the posts here and also go to the class website.
Also - do your best to make your paper flow as if you really were writing up some research EVEN THOUGH I am looking for the technical details done right. It still should say a little something and have a beginning, middle, and end. Don't just hand in some cites and a reference page! See the sample posted. I think it's three pages; you only get two.
ReplyDeleteI also wanted to know when paper #3 is due I can't find it on the class website.
ReplyDeletei would also like to know when paper#3 is due
ReplyDeletemt. so when are you gonna have your sample paper for us to read????