Friday, February 10

A bit confused. Please HELP!

Ok, i know there's an updated syllabus, but i just want to make sure that i turn in the assignments on time and i don't mess up. Soooooo here are my question...
1. Do the OMEGAS turn in their EOS 11, 14, and 15 on Feb. 13 or Feb 15?
2. Is paper #2 due on Feb 15?
3. What is the format for paper #2, like how many pages etc. ?
4. Can we use the article "The Stranger" as our second citation?
5. Where can i find "The Stranger"?
I think these are all my questions. Please help


  1. 1.) According to new syllabus Omegas turn in EOS on Wednesday, Feb 15. I am one too and that is what I am going with.
    2.) Paper #2 is due on Wednesday, Feb 22.
    3.) Format for paper #2 is clear and on her website.
    4.) Yes, we can use our second citation from The Stranger.
    5.) Just google The Stranger - Simmel and you will find it very easily. It is 3 pages.

  2. Thank you Jabeaux54 for your help. I saw the format for paper #2 on her website but i do not see how many pages she wants for this paper. Or am I blind???

  3. 3.5 page maximum, 2 citations: Granovetter "Strength in Weak Ties" and one more. That is from the front of our syllabus.

  4. Don't we also have to use the article on networks for the second paper?
    And just to clear this paper to is due the 22nd? Not the 15th??

  5. yes 21 night and 22 day.
    could use "The Stranger", sure - but also as Jabeaux says above Granovetter and one other one on networks are to be cited.
