A couple of years ago, Barak Obama came to my place of employment to speak at the Urban Issues Forum and to sign copies of his new book the "Audacity of Hope". Now, at the time I do not know if he had an inkling of running for president of the United States, but as he shook every single hand and stayed until he signed every single book I thought to myself, what a nice guy. After I read the book, one section stuck with me, "A government that truly represents these Americans--that truly serves these Americans--will require a different kind of politics, and these politics will have to be constructed from the best of our traditions and will have to account for the darker aspects of our past. We will need to understand just how we got to this place, this land of warring factions and tribal hatreds. And we will need to remind ourselves, despite all of our differences, just how much we share: common hopes, common dreams, a bond that will not break (Barak Obama 2006) From the Audacity of Hope.
Does this not make sense? So all of the jokes that are passed around by whoever just shows how far some people still need to come.
for real! ain't that the truth!